We have a new blog

We have newly redesigned blog! Please go to our new blog at www.my-ecobaby.com/blog Check it out! It's super neat! :)

Congratulations to the Winner: The Green Resolution Hop Giveaway!

Congratulations to the Winner: The Green Resolution Hop Giveaway!

Our winner is Nikole Homoroc! 

Thanks for participating and your prize is on your way!

Now Offering!! - Carbon Neutral Shipping (Plant a Tree)

We are proudly partnered with Green Air Project (GAP), which is a sustainable enterprise that plants trees to have a positive impact on the environment. My Ecobaby Store now offers, "carbon neutral shipping" this is an opportunity to help plant more trees and reduce our carbon footprint. 
At the end of your checkout $1 will be going towards planting a tree. 
Click HERE (link to www.greenairproject.org) and enter this code (baXO409) to see My Ecobaby Store's Collection of trees! 

Teething Baby Learns from Puppies! -Video

This is so adorable! Teething baby learns from these cute puppies!

Extending Entry date for "Make Me Smile" Baby Photo contest. Starts February 19--Get your entries in!

We're going to extend the entry date till the end of this week to February 18th and start the contest on the 19th.

Time for our first big photo contest! The theme of this contest will be "Make Me Smile" Baby Photos Contest. Which we start February 19 and end March 11. You have three weeks!  Find your favorite and best baby picture and send it over to info@my-ecobaby.com. We will have select one winner. 

Contest Rules: Each person gets one entry per child. Have twins? You have double the chance at winning! To enter this contest send your baby photo to info@my-ecobaby.com and make sure to have the words “Make Me Smile"Baby Photo contest--in the subject line. Give us a little write up to go along with your picture because people will be seeing and voting on these. We are limiting this contest to only 30! We will have a round of voting on our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/myecobabystore) to narrow it down to ten and then we will choose the winner. Contest will officially start February 14 so get those entries in!

Prize will be selecting anything from our store that is valued at 25 dollars. You can put it towards something you like too! Shipping included! Goodluck!
Check out some of our new products 
Our new organic-Turtle Cape Set 

Babawear-Organic Pink Chic Oneise

Eco Ditty Reusable Snack or Sandwich bag- 100% organic

Pop and Lolli's Eco-Friendly Wall Decals (Re-Usable)

Green Toy's Recycled Dump Truck-Made from Milk Cartons! 

Sorry but we are down for some major updates!

We are sorry but our shop is down for a wee bit. Please come back and can't wait to see you. :) 

We want to make your shopping experiencPublish Poste simple, fun, and easy! 

Tips!!To Help Your Toddler With Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety can be hard on toddlers and parents alike. There are some steps you can take to minimize their anxiety.

1. Prepare your toddler

While your toddler can not have an adult-level conversation with you, he can probably understand more than you think. Using easy, frank words, talk to him about where you're going and what will be happening. Make sure you also stress that you will return. You can practice with a toy - have your child's toy "leave" for a little while, then return it to him. This at least gets him used to the concept of departure and return. Remember, this is new for him.  

2. Visit the caregiver and place ahead of time

Develop a relationship with your child's caregiver, and familiarize your toddler with the childcare center if she is going there. Have the babysitter over to your home for a visit on a day when you aren't going out, and when you visit the care center make it a fun outing. Your toddler will come to associate the caregiver or center with positive feelings.

3. Don't have a meltdown yourself

Keep your own attitude up-beat and calm. Your toddler, after all, looks to you for reassurance. She doesn't necessarily know if a situation is cause for panic or fear and will look to you to see what it's all about.

4. Don't sneak out

It may be tempting to slip out the door unnoticed when your toddler is otherwise occupied, but this can actually make separation anxiety worse. If your toddler thinks you could disappear at any moment, she will respond with even greater clinginess.

5. Respect the feelings

It is scary for toddlers when you leave. Help your toddler identify the often overwhelming, scary feeling of separation anxiety by naming it. "I know it feels scary and sad when Mommy goes away. That means you miss me. I understand that feeling." Then assure her that you will return.

6. Make a smooth transition

Using a timer can be helpful here. Have the babysitter come to your house early, and then set a timer that will "count down" the minutes until you leave. Remind your toddler often during the count down - "In ten/five minutes Mommy will leave." Let the babysitter interact with your toddler during this time, gradually transitioning the care over to the sitter.

7. Have the toddler leave you

Have the babysitter take your toddler for a walk or outing at the same time you are leaving. He will see you getting into your car as he goes with the sitter down the street. Psychologically, this helps toddlers cope with being left. 

8. Have a special treat associated with the caregiver

On "babysitter night" or "daycare days," let your child have a special toy or some other treat that you only give when she is with a caregiver. Hopefully, she will come to associate the caregiver situation with the special treat.

Green Resolution Giveaway!

We are excited and participating in the Green Resolution Giveaway with Eco Crazy Mom;) Click here and you will be redirected to where you can enter. http://ecocrazymom.com/green-resolutions-giveaway-hop/ Have a chance to win this fun and colorful dump truck made from recycled milk jugs! Good Luck!

Stop SOPA and PIPA

For more information please go to: http://www.sopablackout.org/learnmore/

Baby Massage and its Connection to Sleeping and Thinking

The task of developing a regular and restful sleep pattern for a new baby is often an exercise in frustration and confusion for many parents. Research has shown that hospitalized infants grow more rapidly when correctly massaged. This is due in large part to the fact that massaged babies actually spent more time being quiet and calm, yet alert, and that when they did sleep, it was deep and very restful. This resulted in a more structured sleep pattern, as well as longer sleeping periods at night.

Doing a massage right after getting home from work will help a parent reconnect with baby after a hard day, and will help both baby and parent relax and unwind. Once you and the baby have developed a routine you will have a skill that will calm and quiet your upset child.

A relaxing touch that a parent can give their little one will be the perfect touch at times to calm a baby. Even when circumstances cause a change in their routine or environment, a daily massage can be the hub of your baby’s nighttime routine and the element that helps them prepare to fall into a deep, restful, restorative sleep. In addition, learning to relax in our busy world is a skill parents need to nurture for themselves as well as for their children.

Studies indicate that the positive effects of practicing infant massage are just as profound on the parent’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being as they are for baby. Infant massage has also revealed to positively benefit those infants with eating, gastrointestinal, bonding, attachment, weight gain, overall development challenges, which can also affect a baby’s overall sleeping patterns. Massage also helps infants learn about their body and stimulates brain function, and the interaction between parent and child during the massage can stimulate the child’s mental faculties as well, resulting in increased mental capacity.

Happy New Years!

We hope everyone has had a nice holiday with their families. Here at My Ecobaby Store we wish everyone a great year full of love, joy, happiness, and prosperity. Have a very, very green year for the future of our beautiful children and planet.